Development of Article 6 methodology tools: Concept note and work plan for the development phase of the international initiative for development of Article 6 methodology tools
30/04/2022 -
Concept note for developing guidance for contributions of Article 6 activities to host country NDCs
30/04/2022 -
Concept note for a tool on monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions and emission reductions for Article 6 activities
30/04/2022 -
Concept note for a tool on robust baseline setting
30/04/2022 -
Concept note for a tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality
30/04/2022 -
POLICY BRIEF: Towards an Inclusive Climate Alliance with a Balance of Carrots and Sticks
21/03/2022 -
Governance of Fragmented Compliance and Voluntary Carbon Markets Under the Paris Agreement
21/09/2021 -
Catalysing private and public action for climate change mitigation: the World Bank’s role in international carbon markets
13/07/2020 -
Do Multilateral Development Bank Trust Funds Allocate Climate Finance Efficiently?
10/07/2020 -
Climate change trust funds at multilateral development banks