Linking the Clean Development Mechanism with the Green Climate Fund
01/08/2018 -
Mobilising private-sector investment to mitigate climate change in Africa
05/05/2018 -
Mitigation co-benefits of adaptation actions and economic diversification
10/04/2018 -
Cooperative approaches under Art. 6.2 of the Paris Agreement
01/01/2018 -
The political economy of negative emissions technologies: Consequences for international policy design
17/12/2017 -
Underwriting 1.5°C: competitive approaches to financing accelerated climate change mitigation
04/12/2017 -
Guardrails for the Paris mechanisms: Operationalizing Article 6 and generating carbon market credibility
12/10/2017 -
A new perspective on the carbon market
12/07/2017 -
Features and implications of NDCs for carbon markets
01/04/2017 -
Economic instruments