The political economy of negative emissions technologies: Consequences for international policy design
17/12/2017 -
Underwriting 1.5°C: competitive approaches to financing accelerated climate change mitigation
04/12/2017 -
IFDD Guide to the Negotiations: UNFCCC (COP23)
01/11/2017 -
Economic instruments
01/03/2017 -
Documentation of IFAT 2016 Side Event Climate-friendly Waste Management through NAMAs in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries
31/01/2017 -
Boosting climate action through innovative debt instruments
01/08/2016 -
Supporting Energy Pricing Reform and Carbon Pricing Policies Through Crediting
01/05/2016 -
How to transition from the CDM to the Sustainable Development Mechanism under the Paris Agreement
01/04/2016 -
Feasibility Study for a Waste NAMA in India
01/12/2015 -
Transforming from INDCs to NDCs in Africa