Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Group
3/2023 – 3/2024
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)

Support in the analysis, conceptual design and further development in the field of “product ecology” of the BMZ
3/2023 – 3/2024
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
Team Member
The main task was to advise the BMZ on the analysis, conceptualisation, and further development of its downstream emissions. For that a benchmark study to assess, examine, and manage downstream emissions GHG emissions from its project portfolio was created. The study aimed to investigate existing approaches worldwide, highlighting experiences, opportunities, and limitations. The purpose was for the BMZ to learn from international actors, particularly from the development cooperation field. A discussion paper was intended to critically assess the BMZ’s approaches, identify challenges, and present solutions that are relevant to international actors as well. Additionally, the study aimed to capture and consider the environmental and climate-related impacts of German and international development cooperation within national partner systems. Concrete country examples with assessments from national stakeholders were developed.
The Project is aimed at developing guidelines for the most climate-neutral implementation possible of projects and to systematically record the negative climate impacts of these projects: 1. Expert advice through• Preparation of the status quo• Preparation of analyses and recommendations for action• Development of conceptual approaches2. Conceptual support, participation in and, if necessary, moderation of events in order to to discuss the state of knowledge and discuss conceptual approaches, verify and disseminate3. Technical quality assurance of relevant documents documents, e.g. supply of templates, handouts, strategy documents4. support in the creation of presentation and communication forms
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