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Urban market approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement – Recommendations for practical implementation

Publication Overview

Publication Date: 03-2023

The Perspectives Climate Research’s publication titled “Urban market approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Recommendations for practical implementation” offers a comprehensive analysis of the potential of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in the urban context, with a particular focus on Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and Kampala (Uganda). The report presents a meticulous analysis of the emissions profiles of both cities and identifies the existing and planned urban activities that have the potential for effective use under Article 6. A key output is the identification of Art. 6 pilots in the cities. The most promising candidates identified are e-mobility both in Addis (electric taxis) and Kampala (electric bus rapid transport system) and electrification of cooking in Kampala. Clean cooling in hospitals was another option analysed for Addis. The report provides a valuable framework for the practical implementation of urban market approaches that can help these cities meet their emissions reduction targets.

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