Perspectives Climate Group

Greenhouse Gas Reporting

Service Overview
To know how far you have come, you must know where you started.
Perspectives begins by conducting a comprehensive inventory of your GHG emissions, following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol established by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
We identify every source of GHG emissions related to your operations, from your company’s own operations to GHG emissions caused by employee commutes and by entities throughout your supply chain.
We then empower you to keep up the good work by helping you institute a comprehensive GHG accounting system. You will learn where your company is succeeding in its efforts to limit GHG emissions, and where more work remains to be done.
Most importantly, you will have the tools to measure your progress toward your climate goals.
Our data-driven approach delivers a full picture of our clients‘ GHG emissions, giving them an optimal basis for planning measurable, cost-effective climate action.

Begin your journey by learning where you stand. We will help you calculate your carbon emissions footprint and establish a sound CHG accounting regime.

highlight of our services

Understand your true carbon footprint

Your carbon footprint is as complex as your business itself. We help clients calculate their GHG-footprints in clear, actionable detail.
    • Organisational footprint calculation (scope 1/2/3)
    • Product footprint calculation
    • Support for internal data collection
    • Identification of key emission drivers and emission hotspots
    • Development of reduction strategies; implementation and reporting

Navigating hydrogen through scattered carbon markets

Organisational footprint calculation across your supply-chain (scope 1/2/3)

The first step towards lowering your corporate carbon footprint is understanding it. Our proven methodologies give you a clear and comprehensive understanding of your company’s greenhouse gas emissions, helping you set realistically ambitious reduction targets while identifying opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint.
Your carbon footprint involves more than just the greenhouse gases produced by your own operations. It includes your entire value chain (including customers and subcontractors) and even extends to employee commuting and business travel. We calculate the GHG emissions associated with these extended parts of your business, giving you the insights needed to plan truly meaningful climate action.

Product footprint GHG calculation

We document the carbon embedded in each product you manufacture or sell at each stage of its life, from manufacture to sale and use, and through to disposal; no matter where your company is situated in the value chain. This does more than give you a meaningfully granular look at your GHG contributions; it also helps identify the appropriate standard to use when calculating the carbon footprint of each product for which you are responsible.
What our experts say
What sets us apart

Environmental integrity

Climate leaders must not cut corners. When you work with us, you will learn to distinguish substantial business opportunities from questionable ones, allow your company to establish itself as a leader in meaningful climate action and avoid damage to its reputation.

Proven innovation

We are internationally recognized for our contributions to the advancement of the carbon market. For example, our CDM baseline and monitoring methodologies have posted a market-leading success rate.

Scientific grounding

We are more than just advisors: we help shape the field with our research and analysis. With more than 100 research articles to date, we constantly contribute to the latest knowledge and understanding of climate policy instruments, keeping your business ahead of the curve.

Regulatory leadership

Our experts lead and participate in international task forces and working groups, helping you understand today’s climate policy landscape and the carbon markets of the future.

Know your impact

The first step towards lowering your corporate carbon footprint is understanding it. Our proven methodologies give you a clear and comprehensive understanding of your company’s greenhouse gas emissions, helping you set realistically ambitious reduction targets while identifying opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint.

Your carbon footprint involves more than just the greenhouse gases produced by your own operations. It includes your entire value chain (including customers and subcontractors) and even extends to employee commuting and business travel. We calculate the GHG emissions associated with these extended parts of your business, giving you the insights needed to plan truly meaningful climate action.

We document the carbon embedded in each product you manufacture or sell, at each stage of its life, from manufacture to sale and use, and through to disposal; no matter where your company is situated in the value chain. This does more than give you a meaningfully granular look at your GHG contributions; it also helps identify the appropriate standard to use when calculating the carbon footprint of each product for which you are responsible.

We carefully document the carbon footprint represented by your company’s entire range of financial investments, giving you another avenue to document your commitment to meaningful action and to reduce carbon risk exposure.


International coordination and policy instruments to promote a hydrogen economy: A focus on the steel-making industry

Contact our expert
Get in touch with Marc André Marr at [email protected]
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