Perspectives Climate Group

Anant Shukla
Senior Consultant

“He has deep understanding of Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. He brings an impressive track record in project management, implementation and policy advisory. He is a good team player and bring experience working in a multi-cultural and multi-stakeholder setup.”

Areas of expertise
  • Energy Efficiency & Conservation
  • Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Development
  • Climate Change (Adaptation and Mitigation)

Anant Shukla holds a Ph.D. in Energy and Environment (Engineering Science). He has deep understanding of Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. He brings an impressive track record in project management, implementation and policy advisory. He is a good team player and bring experience working in a multi-cultural and multi-stakeholder setup.
At Perspectives, Anant leads the mitigation and adaptation strategies that includes development of national action plans, strategies and roadmap for country specific scenarios and commitments. He has advised regional governments, e.g. in ASEAN and is Africa on how to develop solutions and strategies while closely engaging with the government, public and private sector, academia, associations and NGOs among others through Focus Group Discussions and leading network groups.
Anant is also a Senior Researcher, and has been developing approaches towards achieving NDCs and Net Zero commitments in the developing countries. He has been closely working with the private sector in developing solutions that are scalable and economically viable.

At Perspectives, Anant leads the mitigation and adaptation strategies that include the development of national action plans, strategies and roadmap for country-specific scenarios and commitments.

Anant advised regional governments, e.g. in ASEAN and Africa, on developing solutions and strategies while closely engaging with the government, public and private sector, academia, associations and NGOs, among others, through Focus Group Discussions and leading network groups. Anant is also a Senior Researcher and has been developing approaches towards achieving NDCs and Net Zero commitments in developing countries. He has been working closely with the private sector to develop scalable and economically viable solutions.

Related Publications

Get in touch with Anant Shukla