Perspectives Climate Group

Frank Zimmermann

“Working at Perspectives allows me to have a real impact on the IT processes and to be part of the development and implementation of new structures and improvements.”

Areas of expertise
  • Extensive expertise in the field of digitalisation and IT
  • Certified experience in quality management and internal auditing
  • Practised skills in quality assurance & operational monitoring

Frank worked in the quality assurance department for a European aircraft manufacturer from 2008 to 2019. The highlight in aviation was his work on the prototype and its maiden flight. During this time, he lived and worked in France for a total of 5 years.

Frank supports the implementation of internal IT-projects at Perspectives.

From 2019 to 2021, Frank was Quality Lead for a deep space mission of the ESA called “JUICE.” Frank and his colleagues prepared the spacecraft for the campaign, observed and monitored the processes, documented deviations and worked out solutions for faced problems.

In 2023, Frank joined Perspectives’ IT department to implement various internal projects, focussing on data migration and management. As part of the IT team, he contributes with great commitment to defining and designing the structure for the new MS SharePoint environment, organises data migration from the old to the new system and at the same time supports the whole team with IT and technical issues.

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Get in touch with Frank Zimmermann
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