Perspectives Climate Group

Luisa Weber
Junior Consultant

“Financial flows demonstrate which climate commitments are sincere and which ones are merely lip service. Climate finance is thus one of the most important levers for climate action. “

Areas of expertise
  • Climate Mitigation Finance
  • Adaptation Finance
  • Loss and Damage Finance
  • Fossil Fuel Finance
  • International Investment Policy

Luisa Weber works on public climate finance and policy implications for mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage. She has previously worked with GIZ and Germanwatch in the field of climate finance and has volunteered with Young Friends of the Earth Germany working on international climate policy.

Luisa contributes to research on the international climate finance architecture and innovative tools to mobilise much-needed finance. Areas of interest include hidden obstacles to ambitious climate policy, such as debt crises and protections for fossil fuel investments, e.g. through investment treaties. She has recently worked on projects relating to mitigation impact assessment of development finance and the alignment of export credit agencies with respect to the 1.5°C limit of global temperature increase.

Luisa Weber has a Master’s Degree in Climate Finance and Investment from the University of Edinburgh and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Economics from the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. Her studies have equipped her with a transdisciplinary perspective on climate, sustainability, economics, and finance.

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