Perspectives Climate Group

Marjorie Ménard
Head of Adaptation

“I am thrilled to be engaging every day with leaders and practitioners on the development of practical solutions for adapting to climate change impacts.”

Areas of expertise
  • Adaptation
  • Nature Based Solutions
  • Mitigation in the agriculture sector
  • Climate policy

Marjorie Ménard holds an M.Sc. in Agronomy Engineering with a major in environmental and water management. She has been working on climate change issues since 2010. Before joining Perspectives, Marjorie worked as project manager for INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) on agricultural diffuse pollution and drinkable water quality protection. Previously, she had worked for consultancies and research organizations focusing on issues like adaptation to climate change in water scarce river basins, mitigation through irrigation management as well as the consideration of ecosystem services and nature-based solutions in national policies.

At Perspectives, Marjorie leads the team working on adaptation strategies and methodologies, e.g. on the development of metrics for estimating adaptation benefits, the design of adaptation monitoring and evaluation frameworks, the elaboration of climate risk assessment tools and the preparation of adaptation funding proposals.

Marjorie is also part of the Nature-Based Solutions team and contributes particularly to the development of mitigation strategies, policies and tools for the agriculture sector. She worked on the quantification of GHG emissions and mitigation scenarios as well as the development of MRV systems in several sectors, e.g. agriculture, renewable energy, wastewater and energy efficiency.

Related Publications

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