Prospects for Africa’s CDM activities under the Paris Agreement
12/10/2016 -
The Paris Agreement: The future relevance of UNFCCC-backed carbon markets for Africa
01/08/2016 -
Boosting climate action through innovative debt instruments
01/08/2016 -
Enhancing Green Bond Transparency through CDM
01/08/2016 -
Investing in ambition, Analysis of the financial aspects in (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions
01/05/2016 -
Supporting Energy Pricing Reform and Carbon Pricing Policies Through Crediting
01/05/2016 -
How to transition from the CDM to the Sustainable Development Mechanism under the Paris Agreement
01/04/2016 -
Can debt for climate swaps be a promising climate finance instrument? Lessons from the past and recommendations for the future
01/11/2015 -
Market Mechanisms: Incentives and Integration in the Post-2020 World
01/11/2015 -
New climate investments must strengthen sustainable development and minimize trade-offs