Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group

6/2021 – 3/2022

Nordic Dialogue on Voluntary Compensation

Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air (AKL)

Name of Project

Nordic Dialogue on Voluntary Compensation


6/2021 – 3/2022


Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air (AKL)

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

Phase 1:Milestone 1: Created knowledge base and identified key stakeholders and issues relating to voluntary compensationMilestone 2: Engaged relevant Nordic stakeholders in an inclusive and broad dialogue on the key issues relating to voluntary compensation.Phase 2:Milestone 3: Reached an agreement on and communicated a Nordic code of best practice and action plan for a Nordic approach on voluntary compensation.

Project Overview

Milestone 1: Created knowledge base and identify key stakeholders and issues relating to voluntary compensation:- Report on international guidance and activities on voluntary compensation.- Draft report “Glossary of key terms and concepts” in English.- List of potential members for the Working Group (WG).- Scoping study on key stakeholders and key issues relating to voluntary compensation in the Nordic countries- Draft outline for a Nordic code of best practice for voluntary compensation- Draft outline for an action plan for the Nordic Dialogue on Voluntary Compensation, including communication planMilestone 2: Engaged relevant Nordic stakeholders in an inclusive and broad dialogue on the key issues relating to voluntary compensation- Final concept note and work plan for the Nordic Dialogue on Voluntary Compensation, including communication plan- Final outline for an action plan for a Nordic approach on voluntary compensation- Series of stakeholder events on the draft outlines for a Nordic code of best practics and Nordic approach- Website for the Nordic Dialogue on Voluntary Compensation- Press release on the launch of the Nordic Dialogue- Communications material in line with communications planMilestone 3: Reach agreement on, and communicate a Nordic code of best practice and action plan for a Nordic approach on voluntary compensation. The deliverables were:- FInal glossary of key terms and concepts in English, Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian- Nordic code of best practice on voluntary compensation- Action plan for a Nordic approach on voluntary compensation- Action plan for a Nordic approach on voluntary compensation- Communication material (blog post, newsletter, press release) in line with the communication plan- One event on key results of the Nordic Dialogue for a Nordic and international audience.

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