Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Group
12/2018 – 6/2019
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Climate Change Trust Funds at the Multilateral Development Banks – Capacities, Complementarities and Potential for Reform
12/2018 – 6/2019
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Team Member
The objective of the project was to elaborate a study to inform the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on the state of the art of climate change related trust funds (TFs), their challenges and approaches to their improvement in light of the current trust fund reform. It also provided recommendations for the further engagement of BMZ with MDB climate change TFs.For this, a thorough desk review of documents and websites by the WBG, MDBs and other relevant institutions was conducted. Findings from the desk review were complemented with interviews with experts from German donor institutions, professionals working in the MDBs, as well as TF activity implementers in recipient countries.
Perspectives coordinated the project as lead of the consortium. The detailed tasks of Perspectives included, firstly, providing an overview on (i) the climate and carbon landscape and key concepts used and (ii) definitions of TFs and their business models. In a second step, Perspectives reviewed existing climate change related TFs at MDBs, focusing on those related to the WBG, with regards to agreed criteria, such as focus areas of the TFs or contributors, responsible management units and staff. Perspectives then investigated the main areas where TFs can be improved in order to avoid problems such as fragementation, duplication of structures and programs or high transaction costs and summarized the potential for reform and consolidation of TFs for the WBG TFs as well as other MDB TFs. For this, Perspecites conducted interviews with experts from donor instituions, MDB professionals and TF activity implementers in recipient countries in addition to a literature and database review. In parallel, Perspectives investigated the issues and experiece of the German administration with TFs in the past. To prioritize key issues, the consortium coducted a full-day workshop with stakeholders from the German goverment.Based on the results of these tasks, the consortium produced a report, containing the results of each working step as well as final conclusions and recommendations.
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