Perspectives Climate Group

Axel Michaelowa
Senior Founding Partner

“At Perspectives, I can generate climate policy impacts at a global scale!”

Areas of expertise
  • International carbon markets (compliance and voluntary)
  • International climate negotiations
  • National mitigation policies
  • Adaptation metrics
  • International climate finance
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal policies
  • Solar Radiation Modification

Axel Michaelowa has a Ph.D. in Economics and has been working on international climate policy instruments and the UNFCCC process since 1994. He is a senior founding partner of Perspectives and a part-time researcher at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich. Axel specialises in international carbon markets and the design of domestic climate policy instruments and has written more than 400 research articles and studies on these topics. He has been the lead author on climate policy issues in the 4th and 5th IPCC Assessment Reports. Axel has participated in all but two Conferences of the Parties of the UNFCCC starting with COP1 in 1995. He has been serving on the board of the Research and Independent Organizations (RINGO) constituency since its founding in 2003.

Axel founded Perspectives in 2003 together with Sonja Butzengeiger as a spin-off from the Hamburg Institute of International Economics, where he was leading the Research Group "International Climate Policy" with ten staff members. Axel consults private, governmental and public institutions on international carbon markets and the design of domestic climate policy instruments and has written more than 400 research articles and studies on these topics.

Axel is a member of the roster of experts of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body and of the Executive Committee of the Adaptation Benefits Mechanism. Between 2006 and 2013, he served on the CDM Registration and Issuance Team of the CDM Executive Board; he was a member of the board of the Climate Cent Foundation between 2005 and 2009. Axel has done capacity building on carbon markets and carbon pricing in over 40 developing countries, ranging from Algeria to Yemen. He worked on 10 approved baseline methodologies and three approved standardised baselines under the CDM. In Southeast Asia, South Asia, the MENA region as well as West and East Africa, Axel has been working intensively since the late 1990s on capacity building for the CDM, design of nationally appropriate mitigation actions, Article 6 piloting and linking of international carbon markets with Just Energy Transition Partnerships.

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