Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group

9/2021 – 12/2021

Defining requirements on claims and additionality under climate finance

The Gold Standard Foundation (GSF)

Name of Project

Defining requirements on claims and additionality under climate finance


9/2021 – 12/2021


The Gold Standard Foundation (GSF)

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The study analysed pre-requirements for fund level Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) impacts claiming with a focus on additionality and developed an initial framework for assessing additionality of SDG claims for the portfolio of the SCF-Global Fund. The framework should ideally serve as an example for future funds willing to report on SDG impacts of their portfolio.The analysis considered interrelations between different types of SDG impacts as well as the ‘stacking of claims’ . It addressed the question of how to assess the additionality of activities compared to a business-as-usual situation and how to prevent ‘multiple claiming’, by discussing attribution of SDG claims for private investors of the SCF. It also discussed the importance of SDG claiming for climate finance.

Project Overview

Task 1 – Preparation of a draft report including:i) key aspects related to SDG impacts claiming (definition of impacts. Key actors interested in claiming, overview of current practices for SDG impact assessment),ii) the concept of additionality and its current applicationiii) the analysis of additionality and baseline for SDG Claimsiv) the implications for SDG claiming at Fund levelv) Proposed principles for assessing additionality at Fund level.Task 2 – Discussion with the client and finalization of the report. Preparation of a power point presentation.

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