Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Research

12/2020 – 3/2023

Develop a Paris Agreement alignment methodology and assess the Paris alignment of Export Credit Agencies
Name of Project

Develop a Paris Agreement alignment methodology and assess the Paris alignment of Export Credit Agencies


12/2020 – 3/2023

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The first objective of this project was to develop a robust practical methodology to assess the alignment of Export Credit Agencies (ECA) operations with the Paris Agreement (PA). The methodology was built upon existing PA alignment methodologies in order to avoid duplication and ensure that best practices from financial sector initiatives were taken into account, for both the private and the public sector. This first study looked into methodologies focusing on strategy and governance of ECAs. The benchmarking exercise included a virtual workshop with PA alignment methodology developers in order to maximize synergies with existing initiatives. Based on the benchmarking exercise, an ECA alignment methodology was developed and tested on an ECA of strategic importance to ensure its real-world applicability, in close cooperation with relevant local stakeholders.Based on the developed methodology, Perspectives assessed the PA-alignment of ECAs in eight different countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, South Korea, USA) between October 2021 and May 2023. For each case study, a set of recommendations was developed on necessary policy reforms for export finance in the context of Paris alignment. Additionally, in 2022, the team of experts organised a series of policy dialogues with ECA practicioners, researchers and civil society organisations, besides direct engagement with ECAs such as US-EXIM or Bpifrance.

Project Overview

The specific tasks Perspectives carried out were:1. Benchmarking of existing PA alignment methodologies achieved through a consultation webinar and the production of a background paper with benchmarking of the PA alignment methodologies and recommendations for the ECA methodology.2. Developing of PA alignment criteria and indicators for ECAs, taking into account the specifics of these institutions and building on existing PA alignment methodologies to maximize potential synergies. A draft report on the PA alignment methodology for ECAs was produced and a second webinar was held.3. Fine-tuning of the PA alignment methodology for ECAs and finalisation following its application to a case study country. A final report with the PA alignment methodology for ECAs and a case study was produced, published and presented at the final public webinar.As part of the assessment on the Paris Agreement alignment of Export Credit Agencies in eight strategic countries, Perspectives performed the following specific taks:4. Data collection through desk research and interviews on the strategic position of the respective countries within the export finance system.5. Using the information collected, the Paris alignment methodology was applied to assign progress labels across different criteria and identify the main gaps and avenues for further reform in each country.6. Writing up the main findings in the reports including insights from the desk research and interviews, reviewed by civil society organizations (CSOs) and ECAs in the respective countries.7. Organising and moderating policy dialogues with ECA practicioners, researchers and CSOs, besides direct engagement with ECAs such as US-EXIM or Bpifrance.

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