Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Group
10/2019 – 5/2020
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Development of synergistic metrics for quantifying the contribution of renewable energy to adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development
10/2019 – 5/2020
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Team Member
The main goal of the project was to develop synergistic metrics for quantitative assessment of renewable energy contributions to climate change adaptation., but also climate change mitigation and sustainable development. The overall objective of assessing those benefits is:1.Increasing climate finance, and particularly adaptation finance, for renewable energy technologies2.Increasing the understanding of policy makers on the contribution of renewable energy to adaptation and thereby enable a more robust adaptation planning process for NDC implementation
Perspectives carried out the following tasks:1.Analysis of the current consideration of renewable energy (RE) for adaptation to climate change in projects, adaptation planning and adaptation finance. Assessment of the contribution of RE to adaptation.2. Idenfication of three case studies and demonstration of the qualitative adaptation benefits of renewable energy projects.3. Analysis of the existing adaptation metrics and indicators.4. Development of synergistic metrics for quantifying impacts (including adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development) of RE projects, in the context of NDC implementation.2. Application of the synergistic metrics developed to the three selected case studies.3.Presentation of the main findings at a regional workshop.
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