Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group

4/2017 – 4/2018

Elaboration of the Policy and the Plan to Adapt to Climate Change in Costa Rica

Factor CO2 Project’s main client: International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Policy and Administration (FIIAPP)

Name of Project

Elaboration of the Policy and the Plan to Adapt to Climate Change in Costa Rica


4/2017 – 4/2018


Factor CO2 Project’s main client: International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Policy and Administration (FIIAPP)

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The overall objective of this project, developed within the framework of the ARAUCLIMA programme, was to assist the Government of Costa Rica in determining the national goals and lines of action for adaptation to climate change and its implementation at the sectoral and regional levels. The Consultants supported the MINAE in the development of the National Policy and National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in the five following sectors: biodiversity, agriculture, tourism, water resources and infrastructures.

Project Overview

Perspectives was in charge of the development of the analysis for the tourism sector. The following activities were developed:● Elaboration of the Diagnosis of threats and vulnerability for the tourism axis.● Undertaking 3 rounds of workshops with relevant stakeholders in the tourism sector to present the results of the analysis of threats and vulnerability and later present / discuss / validate the proposals to be included in the National Adaptation Policy and Plan.● Preparation of the National Policy and Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change for the tourism sector.

Project Managers
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