Monitoring of direct and indirect climate impacts of the Cluster Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity
Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Name of Project
Monitoring of direct and indirect climate impacts of the Cluster Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity
12/2022 – 12/2024
Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Position held
Team Member
Main project features:
The main goal of the project was to provide technical support in the application of the Climate Impact Monitoring Framework and providing guidance for all projects under the Cluster. In addition, the design and facilitation of a “Community of Practice” and developing knowledge products on the climate impact monitoring framework and its application for communication to commisioning parties and other stakeholders.
Project Overview
The specific tasks Perspectives carried out were:● Supported the application of the Cluster Climate Impact Monitoring Frameworkand guided Cluster projects through the process of quantifying their (direct/ indirect) climateimpacts.●Facilitated a “Community of Practice” within the Cluster on the application andindependent usage of the climate impact monitoring and evaluation framework● Developed knowledge products on the Climate Impact Monitoring Frameworkand its application for communication to commissioning parties and otherstakeholders