Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Research
6/2023 – 5/2024

Research on innovative finance instruments and tools to address loss and damage caused by anthropogenic climate change in the context of an increasing debt burden in developing countries.
6/2023 – 5/2024
Team Member
Perspectives conducted research on innovative finance instruments and tools to address L&D in the context of increasing debt burden in developing countries that will feed into the relevant policy discussions at the national and international levels. The project involved both research and outreach/engagement components in order to maximize its impact.
Perspectives carried out the following activities: 1) Research report on innovative sources of L&D finance2) Policy brief with recommendations on innovative L&D finance tools 3) Research report on opportunities and challenges for DFC swaps to tackle climate and debt burdens in vulnerable countries 4) Policy brief on lessons learnt from DFC swaps and potential interactions with L&D finance 5) Webinars: Based on first insights from the research report on L&D finance and the research report on DFC swaps, Perspectives Climate Research organized a webinar that gave experts the opportunity to discuss, among others: findings from the research, chances and potential scope of innovative L&D finance and DFC swaps, their risks and pitfalls as well as feasible alternative instruments/initiatives.6) Outreach including participation in the most relevant international events and outreach to the Transitional Committee. 7) Follow-up bilateral in-person meetings with key stakeholders8) Op-ed on recommendations regarding innovative financial instruments for L&D and DFC swaps based on the discussions with relevant stakeholders
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