Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Group
7/2021 – 11/2021
Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)

Support Article 6 pilot activity development for the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)(Support for NICA Article 6 pilot activity development)
7/2021 – 11/2021
Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)
Team Member
The Assignment covers two potential Article 6 pilot mitigation activities, namely:(i) rural electrification with productive uses of electricity, and(ii) sustainable transport solutions/E-mobility.For both Potential Pilot Activities, the following scope of work was conducted:Work Step 1: Kick-off and InceptionWork Step 2: Update on countries’s willingness and readiness for Article 6 cooperationWork Step 3: Update of key building blocks for Potential Pilot ActivitiesWork Step 4: Preparation of two Mitigation Activity Idea Notes (MAINs)
The Assignment covered two Article 6 pilot mitigation activities, namely: (i) rural electrification with productive uses of electricity and (ii) sustainable transport solutions/E-mobility. For both Potential Pilot Activities, the following scope of work was proposed: Work Step 1: Kick-off and Inception – Kick-off call between NICA and the Consultants. – Inception Report Work Step 2: Update on countries’s willingness and readiness for Article 6 cooperation – Assessment of the gaps and red flags in Article 6 readiness in the country and discussing them with the relevant authorities for the mitigation activity – Re-establish contacts with key stakeholders and confirm engagement of the host country’s continued interest to collaborate in potential Article 6 pilot activities – Confirmation of government’s position on required corresponding adjustments in the host country. – Update on the government’s and relevant ministries’ and agencies’ status on achieving its (unconditional) NDC Work Step 3: Update of key building blocks for Potential Pilot Activities – Update on the role of various stakeholders and identification of the relevant stakeholders also in collaboration with other ongoing activities – Update and implications on national MRV and status of sectoral and standardized baseline development – Engagement with the Nordic donors to define the key design parameters and requirements for Article 6 activities – Suggestions for any possible piloting related Technical Assistance (TA) component(s) Work Step 4: Preparation of two Mitigation Activity Idea Notes (MAINs) – Development of two descriptions (“Mitigation Activity Idea Notes”) of the Potential Pilot Activities.
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