Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Group
11/2014 – 12/2016
NTHU Taiwan

Research on innovative climate finance & technology incubator mechanisms and related UNFCCC negotiations analysis for the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Taiwan
11/2014 – 12/2016
NTHU Taiwan
Team Member
The main goal of the project was to provide support to NTHU by elaborating a study on climate finance and mitigation technology incubation in the context of the UNFCCC negotiations.
The specific tasks Perspectives carried out were: • Elaboration of a study on climate finance and mitigation technology incubation: 25-30 page study with case studies on Vietnam, Burma and Gambia; the study was finalized in autumn 2016 so that the results could be presented at COP 22 in Marrakech • Organization of a joint workshop for climate finance mobilization for technology incubation in ASEAN and Oceania • Facilitating the publication of the conducted study as an international climate policy research paper • Operating the tax-exempt organization “International Climate Dialogue e.V. ” • Facilitating the ICD´s operations and managing its treasury • Supporting ICD´s application as GCF observer organization • Supporting ICD´s visibility by showcasing its activity (through maintaining the website and further activities of ICD members at UNFCCC meetings) • Presenting research findings at UNFCCC Side Event.
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