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Decarbonization of the transport sector through dissemination of electric motorbikes: a guide for e-mobility stakeholders to carbon credits generation

Publication Date: 04-2023
The report aims at assessing viable options for registering ad generating carbon credits from the dissemination of electric motorbikes. While the methodologically the approach is the same for e-motorbikes, e-cars, e-buses, certain elements (e.g. baseline identification, additionality demonstration, estimation of the mitigation potential) can vary from one technology to another. The following sections will provide information on the main design elements of a mitigation activity, as well as on the carbon crediting process cycles under Gold Standard and the Verified Carbon Standard, including timeline and costs. It then compares methodologies that are relevant for the e-mobility sector (Section 3) while Section 4 discusses the interactions between the voluntary carbon markets and Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
The goal is to provide a comprehensive description yet accessible also to non-expert readers of the carbon market requirements, associated costs and time, as well as potential challenges that can jeopardize carbon credit issuance.