Perspectives Climate Group

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Evaluation of the activities of the foundation “Future of the Carbon Market”

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Publication Date: 05-2019

In this report, Perspectives Climate Group, Leaders Digest and Bild & Ernte evaluate the foundation “Future for the Carbon Market” initiated by the BMU, focusing on three different aspects: the foundation’s general concept and strategy, its supported projects/activities, and an outlook on the three remaining years in its lifecycle. The foundation has the objective to support programmatic approaches in international carbon markets through acquisition of emission credits (CERs) under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), as well as through consultancy and promotional activities for programmatic activities. The review concludes an overall positive evaluation of the foundation´s strategic mission and vision, and highlights the pros and cons of the utilized approach of upfront payment against future carbon revenues, including its potential application under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

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