Perspectives Climate Group

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Governing landscapes: An agenda for the assessment of grasslands and savannahs

Publication Overview

This Frontiers’ article proposes developing an integrated assessment toolkit for environmental governance in overlooked grasslands and savannahs in the Global South. Systems-thinking approaches offer frameworks and methodologies to explore the complexity of social-ecological systems, unveiling institutional aspects and causal variables in resource management. Reliance on a single framework limits comprehensive understanding, highlighting the need for more social science knowledge and context-specific frameworks for policy settings. Building on community-based governance (CBG) and key frameworks like community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) and the institutional analysis and development framework (IAD), the article proposes a theory-based toolkit.

This toolkit reviews, synthesizes, and tests core principles to better account for social-ecological interactions. Future research can generate testable hypotheses in real-life contexts, guided by suggested research questions, methods, and comparable cases.

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