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Paris Alignment of Export Credit Agencies: Denmark

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Publication Date: October 2024

Perspectives Climate Research utilised its well-established methodology to assess EIFO, the official Export Credit Agency (ECA) of Denmark, for its alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement. Overall, EIFO was rated with ‘Transformational’ (score 2.54/3.00). EIFO is the first institution to receive the highest possible ranking among eleven ECAs that Perspectives Climate Research assessed so far.  

The score reflects EIFO’s successful phase-out of fossil energy financing and its world-leading renewable energy support. EIFO is also raising climate ambitions of other ECAs through initiatives like E3F and NZECA. Areas for improvement include reporting project-level GHG emissions, providing comprehensive sustainability reports, defining climate finance, and setting sectoral emissions reduction targets across its portfolio. 

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