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Paris Alignment of Export Credit Agencies: Finland

Publication Overview

Publication Date: August 2024

Perspectives Climate Research utilized its well-established methodology to assess Finnvera Oyj, the official Export Credit Agency (ECA) of Finland, for its alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement. Overall, Finnvera was rated with ‘Paris aligned’ with a score of 2.20/3.00.  

The main reasons for the score include the successful phase-out of most fossil fuel energy financing over the past years with virtually 100% of energy-related transactions flowing to renewable energy (RE), though its absolute volume has been increasing only slowly. 

Finnvera could not score ‘Transformational’ due to shortcomings regarding financial and non-financial disclosures, the untapped potential for more national engagement to decarbonize Finland’s exports, and the absence of granular reporting on project-level greenhouse gas emissions data as well as a clear definition of climate finance and its earmarks. 

A visual story of this case study summarising the publication’s content is available here.

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