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Paris Alignment of Export Credit Agencies: Sweden

Publication Overview

Publication Date: August 2024

Perspectives Climate Research utilised its well-established methodology to assess the Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN) and Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK) – the official Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) of Sweden, for their alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement. Overall, EKN and SEK were rated with ‘Paris aligned’ with scores of 2.22/3.00 and 2.30/3.00.  

Main reasons for the score include the successful phase-out of most fossil fuel energy financing over the past years with virtually 100% of energy-related transactions flowing to renewable energy (RE), making Sweden the 4th biggest financier of RE in the Export Finance for Future alliance.  

Neither ECA scored ‘Transformational’ due to the absence of granular reporting on project-level greenhouse gas emissions data, a clear definition of climate finance and the lack of sectoral emissions reduction targets. 

A visual story of this case study summarising the publication’s content is available here.

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