Perspectives Climate Group

Adaptation to Climate Change

Service Overview

Climate change impacts are increasing across the globe. Making our societies and ecosystems more resilient to those impacts is certainly one of the most pressing challenges of our times. However, adaptation efforts are being implemented too slowly.

At Perspectives, we strive to strengthen adaptation action by developing innovative approaches for fostering impactful activities on the ground and scaling up adaptation finance.

What we Offer

Perspectives has pioneered the work on adaptation metrics back in 2012 with the development of the Saved-Health Saved-Wealth approach—a concrete methodology for assessing adaptation benefits, e.g. outcomes and impacts of adaptation interventions.

Since then, Perspectives developed a wide range of services to support the achievement of the Global Goal on Adaptation of the Paris Agreement:

  • Metrics and methodologies for estimating adaptation benefits of project interventions
  • Monitoring and evaluation frameworks
  • Adaptation policy instruments
  • Evaluation of adaptation projects in multiple sectors
  • Adaptation finance
  • Climate risk assessment tools
  • Guidance and knowledge products
What our experts say
Key topics

Adaptation metrics

We develop methodologies and monitoring frameworks for understanding the adaptation benefits of activities and programmes from very diverse sectors.

Policy and

We contribute to the development of adaptation policies and adaptation finance instruments for reducing vulnerability and building resilience.


We support our clients understanding the impacts of their adaptation projects portfolios.

Climate Risks assessment

We assess the climate risks associated to the portfolio of our customers and support them designing strategies for addressing those risks.

Our adaptation expertise

We have been working on adaptation for 15 years, supporting various clients (e.g. GIZ, GCF, AfDB, DEval, REEEP, IRENA) on various methodology development, project evaluation, policy design and training. We combine research competence with pragmatic, solutions-oriented approaches to accelerate the implementation of adaptation solutions. 

Contact our expert
Get in touch with Marjorie Menard at