Perspectives Climate Group

Cinthya Vega Olivares
Junior Consultant

“I chose to work in carbon markets because they have the potential to unlock boundless opportunities for climate change mitigation, something that is urgently needed.”

Areas of expertise
  • Carbon markets
  • Climate policy
  • Carbon pricing mechanisms
  • Article 6

Cinthya holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Finance from the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and a Master of Science in Agricultural, Environmental, and Natural Resource Economics from the University of Helsinki (Finland). During her academic journey, she specialised in Environmental Economics, studying the role of carbon pricing mechanisms in climate change mitigation. Her growing interest in carbon markets led her to write her thesis on the strategic effects of ITMO trading and its impacts on long-term climate objectives.

In her current role as a Junior Consultant at Perspectives Climate Group, Cinthya develops projects for clients in both the private and public sectors. Her work revolves around the operationalisation of Article 6 at the national level, interlinkages between compliance and voluntary carbon markets, capacity building in Article 6, and the design of Article 6 activities, among others. Additionally, she closely monitors UNFCCC climate negotiations pertaining to Article 6.

Fluent in both Spanish, her native language, and English, Cinthya has lent her expertise to projects with national governments across Latin America. She has also supported regional initiatives such as the Nordic Dialogue for Voluntary Compensation. Her primary objective is to bridge the gap in capacity and resources within different regions, facilitating their efforts towards climate action.

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Get in touch with Cinthya Vega Olivares