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COP28 Digest: Relevance of key outcomes for carbon market implementation in Africa
Publication Overview

Publication Date: 2024
As part of the Climate Finance Innovators project coordinated by Perspectives Climate Group, in close collaboration with Climate Focus, and supported by Germany’s International Climate Initiative, the “COP28 Digest” was launched in June 2024. The policy brief summarises key COP28 developments and analyses what key outcomes mean for the practical implementation of carbon markets, with a special focus on the relevance for African host countries. This includes a summary of the regulatory progress within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations as well as the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (A6.4SB), but also progress on the action agenda and implementation initiatives. These aspects will not be analysed from the perspective of a negotiator, but to what extent they are relevant for the practical implementation of carbon markets and provide an outlook on the way forward for the implementation of Article 6 in Africa.
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