Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group

11/2022 – 8/2023

Assessment and comparison of carbon credit rating agencies

Carbon Market Watch (CMW)

Name of Project

Assessment and comparison of carbon credit rating agencies


11/2022 – 8/2023


Carbon Market Watch (CMW)

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

This project focused on assessing, comparing and rating carbon credit rating agencies and their rating approaches at a high-level. Inter alia, the requirements of the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) methodology were used as a benchmark. The findings as well as recommendations on potential improvements for these agencies were summarised in a report. The scope of the work included the assessment of the following four rating agencies: BeZero, Calyx, Renoster and Sylvera.

Project Overview

The objective of the assignment was to assess, compare and rate existing carbon credit rating agencies with regards to the robustness and reliability of their evaluations of carbon credit quality. Based on the findings, a summarising report of of approx. 60 pages was produced with a three-fold focus:i) A high-level comparison of the overall approach of the agencies, including the level of transparency, governance, potential of conflicts of interest cross-sectoral rating methodologies with regard to environmental integrity, co-benefits and safeguards was conducted. Inter alia, the requirements of the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) methodology were used as a benchmark. Based on this assessment and comparisin, a qualitiative rating of the respective approaches was provided.ii) A high-level assessment, comparison and qualititative rating of the REDD/AD rating methodologies with regard to environmental integrity was conducted. iii) Recommendations on potential improvements of existing rating agencies on the basis of the comparison were provided. Figures and tables were also included where appropriate.

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