Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Group
6/2020 – 12/2020
World Bank (WB)

Consultancy Services to Support Ethiopia’s Nationally Determined Contributions Update
6/2020 – 12/2020
World Bank (WB)
Team Member
The overall objective of this assignment was to support the Government of Ethiopia (GoE)to update its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The revised NDC have been guided by the new ten-years perspective plan by the GoE, the CRGE Implementation Assessment, the Green Economy (GE) and NAP roadmaps, and by international experience in NDC enhancement process (using the outcomes of the Paris agreement and the rule book). The specific objectives of the assignment included:• Alignment of the NDC to Ethiopia’s ten-years perspectives plan, the GE & NAP and associated roadmaps, and the M & E System and the Mainstreaming guideline;• Update of Ethiopia’s greenhouse gas (GHG) business as usual scenario, from which to measure the 2030 target;• Development of GHG emission pathways for 2030 — nationally and sectorally — and determine an appropriate GHG target nationally and per sector for 2030, as well as interim targets for 2025;• Disaggregation of the 64% GHG emission reduction target between “conditional” and “unconditional” contribution of the NDC;• Establishment of intermediate mitigation indicators that shall enable Ethiopia to measure progress towards the GE targets;• Consideration of existing gaps in Ethiopia’s adaptation contributions, facilitating a process to set quantifiable targets, and identifying a suitable set of intermediate indicators to measure progress;• Strengthening/operationalization of the MRV of action;• Strengthening of the necessary requirements for better engagement in the global carbon market;• Supporting the process of green budget coding (or climate change budget coding); and• Preparation of an updated NDC for public consultations and submission to the UNFCCC.
Perspectives, in close cooperation with Pegasys and South South North, provided the necessary evidence for revisions to existing NDC goal (64% below the ‘business-as-usual’ GHG emissions by 2030). The work included:- Mitigation contributions: Update of the Mitigation BAU, Provision of emission pathways, and delivering input for Measuring and Reporting; Increase Ethiopia’s ability to participate in future carbon markets; and facilitatation of a process to differentiate between conditional and unconditional mitigation contributions by synthesizing the necessary information to better guide evidence-based decision making.-Adaptation Contributions: Identification of sector-level and economy-wide adaptation indicators for Ethiopia’s NDC and support of decision-making processes on indicators; Proposal of a sustainable system to continuously measure and report the identified adaptation actions indicators; and identification of existing (and new) policies that are expected to have strong impact on Ethiopia’s NDC and identification of suitable approaches to engage the private sector.- Information about resources needed for NDC implementation and on steps required to cascade and implement climate actions at lower level government structures as well as support to the realization of a climate change budget and tracking system (or “green coding”) system.- Information and strengthening of M&E systems for mitigation, adaptation and finance.
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