Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Research
International Sustainable Energy Foundation (ISEF)

Pilot development of bilateral carbon and climate mitigation trade program
International Sustainable Energy Foundation (ISEF)
The main goal of the project was to identify, conceptualise and develop a pilot activity that complies with the international, Indian and potential buyer country requirements. The project aims to inform policy and generate evidence to support the long-term objective of increased flow of capital towards low-carbon activities and technology through development of thriving bilateral trade.
“As this project seeks to conceptualise and design pilot activity supported by an interested buyer country in line with national priorities, Perspectives performed the work while engaging buyer countries, public sector stakeholders and think tanks and academic for inputs across the various stages of the pilot development. The specific tasks Perspectives carried out were: • Outlining the different preferences and requirements of buyer countries and assessing those against Indian priorities – the most suitable matches are to be identified. An in-depth desk study was performed assess the global landscape of ITMO buyers regarding quantities, conditions for eligible activities and approaches to the governance of pilot activity collaboration • Determine what are the sectors and the activities among the listed eligible ones relevant for India and attractive from the point of view of an ITMO buyer by conveying an assessment study of priority activities among listed eligible activities • Development of governance structure for pilot activity agreement and the corresponding template to inform policy and facilitate this governance structure by development of a bilateral proposal template, through identification of key governance elements relevant for India • Support a local consultant in the development of the mitigation activity design document (MADD) template and finalise the MADD for the chosen sector and activity • Overall quality control and editing of all deliverables”
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