Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group

7/2019 – 8/2020

Support to the EU for developping its climate adaptation diplomacy towards LCDs and SIDS

EU Commission, DG Clima

Name of Project

Support to the EU for developping its climate adaptation diplomacy towards LCDs and SIDS


7/2019 – 8/2020


EU Commission, DG Clima

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The objective of the assignment was to develop climate policy messages on adaptation tailored to LDCs and SIDS and formulate suggestions on their communication through policy briefs for the use of EU staff in outreach, newspaper articles and other publications. Additionnally, the consortium provided analytical work and assessments of domestic climate policy developments in selected LDCs and SIDS. The support facilitated exchanges at technical and political level with a focus on adaptation to climate change.

Project Overview

Perspectives coordinated the third work package of the assignment, namely in-depth country assessments of 10 selected LDCs and SIDS. Additionally, Perspectives carried out the in-depth analysis for selected LDCs (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Randa Senegal, Singapore, and Timor Leste) . The analysis was informed by interviews with country representatives as well as an extensive desk research. Furthermore, Perspectives contributed to all four other work packages under the assignment, which included the political mapping of the international scene with regard to climate adaptation, the development of a strategy for the EU’s engagement in international climate adaptation outreach, briefings on links to EU climate diplomacy, the prioritization of countries and development of country profiles, the development of an international narrative and messaging on adaptation as well as strategic communication material and technical support including ad hoc requests regarding emerging issues and priorities. The latter included identification of adaptation interventions which simultaneously address the impacts of Covid-19 in LDCs and SIDS and communication on adaptation in the context of the global pandemic.

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