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Assessment of national capacity and opportunities for Article 6 related international carbon trading in Burkina Faso’s energy, industrial and waste sectors
Publication Overview

Publication Date: 03-2023
Perspectives’ team analyzed the readiness of the Burkinabe government to engage in Article 6, the readiness of the private sector to design and implement mitigation activities and opportunities and challenges for activity developers to access upfront finance. For this, the authors conducted interviews with key stakeholders in Burkina Faso and validated the conclusions and recommendations in a stakeholder workshop. The key recommendations to improve Burkina Faso’s access international carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement include:
- Strengthening the institutional framework, including a coordinated support to the national carbon market focal point
- Improving access to upfront finance
- Strengthening access to information, awareness raising and communication
- Strengthening technical capacities at the sectoral level
- Building on existing strengths developed under the CDM and regional exchange while identifying new opportunities through innovative activities with high sustainable development benefits.
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