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POLICY BRIEF: Towards an Inclusive Climate Alliance with a Balance of Carrots and Sticks
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Publication Date: 03-2022
Perspectives Climate Reseach co-authored – together with seven other researchers from high-ranking institutions – a policy brief as part of the Think7 Task Force for Climate and Environment. The research-based recommendations are aimed to inform G7 leaders on how to design an open and cooperative G7 climate alliance.
Such an alliance should comprise at least the following design elements:
- Membership conditions that benefit all members and are sufficiently ambitious to enable a pathway to genuine ‘net zero’
- A ‘carrot and stick’ approach based on Article 6 and a differentiated CBAM to encourage alliance participation
- A ratcheting mechanism to raise ambition
The recommendations are feeding into policy dialogues ahead of the G7 summit in Elmau, Germany, at the end of June 2022.
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