Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Research

4/2017 – 12/2018

IPCC Special Report to the 1.5°C target- consortium project: transformative ambition increase - the contribution of effective policy instruments

Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany

Name of Project

IPCC Special Report to the 1.5°C target- consortium project: transformative ambition increase – the contribution of effective policy instruments


4/2017 – 12/2018


Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The overarching objective of the research project was to generate peer-reviewed academic research in the context of “transformation pathways and climate protection” for the IPCC special report on the 1.5°C target. Against the backdrop of the Paris Agreement, the project team examined how market-based international climate policy instruments (e.g. crediting mechanisms) for emission reductions in developing countries may potentially contribute to the ambition increase of nationally determined contributions. Their relevance for transformation pathways of relevant sectors (energy, industry, forest protection) as well as negative emission technologies were assessed in light of the Paris Agreement.

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Research led this research project in cooperation with the University of Freiburg, coordinating the overall tasks and executing the following work packages: The first work package consisted of a quantitative analysis of the potential future emission reduction contributions of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) portfolio. The second analysed how new market-based mechanisms can contribute to a future enhancement of ambition in the national reduction contributions based on identifying transformative pathways from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement. The third work package elaborated institutional design options for crediting mechanisms for negative emission technologies. Key findings have been published in several peer-reviewed articles, including on:-the potential of auctions for emission reductions to enhance the efficacy of climate finance- governance of negative emission reduction technologies.Further scientific articles and book chapters have been written including in collaboration with internationally leading researchers. In order to increase the quality of the publications, the preliminary results were presented to the epistemic community at a scientific conference as well as a side event at the UNFCCC Meeting (COP23) in November 2017. The final publications were presented at the COP 24 in November 2018. Additionally, short policy briefs on key research insights were communicated to climate negotiators and policy makers.

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