Our Projects
Perspectives Climate Group
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Supporting Just transition in Morocco by designing economic incentives for sucessful climate policy
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Perspectives developed for GIZ Morocco a module proposal, including all associated appendices, for a dedicated project to support a just energy transition in Morocco by designing economic incentives for a successful climate policy.
Perspectives performed the following activities in the context of this project: 1. A senior expert provided input on climate finance and fiscal reforms. 2. Provided input to test design, participated in on-site examination, delivered quality assurance of products, integration of internal service providers of GIZ, input to instrument concept and framework. 3. Provided technical input about climate protection in Morocco, GIZ strategies in Morocco, coordination with partner organizations and integration of the module in the implementation of EU co-financing. 4. Taking over the leadership of the mission (overall coordination and responsibility for the implementation of the examination and the preparation of offers and their products) 5. Content preparation based on provided documents and preliminary information 6. Preparation and implementation of the kick-off meeting (clarification of roles, tasks, responsibilities of all members of the team) via video conference 7. Creation of the preliminary impact matrix (draft). 8. Incorporation of the comments of the previous quality assessment in the preliminary impact matrix. 9. Creation of the module proposal and offer in draft. 10. Incorporation of the comments on the module proposal and offer and its attachments, and creation of the final version.
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