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The ABC of Governance Principles for Carbon Dioxide Removal Policy
Publication Date: 07-2022
In this peer-reviewed article, members of the Perspectives co-led CDR-PoET research consortium develop a set of Governance Principles relevant for the design of policy instruments for Carbon Dioxide Removal:
Mitigation including carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the industrial, energy, and agroforestry sector are subject to international norms including governance objectives, legal provisions, informal expectations, and societal expectations. Established governance principles provide normative orientation for policy. To facilitate discussion of mitigation options among experts and CDR practitioners, this study excerpts governance principles from legislative texts, the climate governance literature, and the CDR literature with relevance to CDR policy considerations. To illustrate the relevance of the governance principles found for evaluating policy options, we apply them to three technology groups of CDR: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS), and forestry. This shows a need for more attention to normative dimensions of mitigation policies. This can help disentangle normative and factual dimensions and sources of (dis)agreement on the role of CDR in specific climate policy contexts.