Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group

2/2019 – 2/2021

Developing robust rules and modalities for Article 6- support to the negotiations

Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten)

Name of Project

Developing robust rules and modalities for Article 6- support to the negotiations


2/2019 – 2/2021


Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten)

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The assignment on support to the negotiations fell under a framework agreement that aimed to deliver a series of assignments that support the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) in developing its contributions to the Article 6 negotiations and to prepare for the pilot implementation of new market mechanisms in light of the emerging international guidance, modalities and procedures.

Project Overview

Perspectives has conducted fifteen assignments under the framework agreement on negotiation support. The project team has continuously mapped the status quo of Article 6 negotiations after COP24, the SB50-meeting and COP25. After COP25, the team has performed a textual analysis of the relevant negotiation texts and decisions serving as basis for negotiations at COP26. Additional tasks under this assignment have shed light on different aspects of the Article 6 negotiations, in particular with regard to corresponding adjustments and reporting and review provisions (including interlinkages with Article 13), additionality determination and baseline setting, governance of the Article 6.4 mechanism as well as safeguards for carbon dioxide removal approaches under Article 6.

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