Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Research

9/2022 – 5/2023

Framework for the utilisation of marginal abatement cost curves in Peru

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Name of Project

Framework for the utilisation of marginal abatement cost curves in Peru


9/2022 – 5/2023


United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The project was aimed to support Peru in planning its participation in carbon markets through the following activities: Activity 1: Supported the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) to identify a portfolio of carbon market-fit mitigation activities by i) identifying additional potential carbon markets activities through consultations with different sectoral Ministries in addition to the existing list of 62 measures ii) identifying which of the 62 mitigation activities + additional activities identified under the previous step, could be promoted through the carbon market with the generation and sale of carbon credits. This assessment also established which type of carbon markets projects the country is ready to promote in the short-midterm and which activities could be promoted in the long-term if methodologies are designed, for example through the Article 6.4. mechanism. Activity 2: This involved the categorization of carbon market-fit activities by building on literature studies that covered past Peruvian experience, lessons from countries with similar characteristics, and the experience of the expert team. The categorization of activities provided the MINAM with a general overview on which activities should be considered for domestic implementation (i.e. the unconditional component of the NDC), VCM or Article 6. Activity 3: Reccomendations were provided regarding which activities are more suitable for ITMO sale. The recommendations took into consideration buyer countries preferences for ITMO purchases as well as suggestions on practices the government should avoid for not undermining its NDC achievement.

Project Overview

This consultancy aimed at providing a framework for the utilization of marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves for the screening and identification of technologies and mitigation measures that are fit for carbon markets and to test it on a set of selected mitigation measures that could contribute to the NDC implementation. The assignment also highlighted, where needed, limitations of MAC that have to be considered in the assessment of the mitigation measures and potential data gaps identified. The deliverables were considered as building blocks for the development of a solid understanding from relevant stakeholders on the utilization of MAC curves for categorizing mitigation activities in the context of carbon markets and Article 6.

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