Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group


Piloting of Article 6 Tools

Swedish Energy Agency

Name of Project

Piloting of Article 6 Tools




Swedish Energy Agency

Position held
Main project features:

The objective of this project was to review and test the three Article 6 tools developed under the II-AMT. This piloting of the project focused on the three following II-AMT outputs: •II-AMT TOOL01: Tool for the development and assessment of additionality •II-AMT TOOL02: Tool for robust baseline setting •II-AMT TOOL03: Tool for monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions, emission reductions and removals.

Project Overview

The specific tasks carried out by Perspectives included: •Supported the activity developers in applying each step for determining the additionality and setting the baseline as indicated in the tools. •Implied the development of the monitoring plan for emissions, emissions reductions and removals. •Evaluated the achieved mitigation results after the completion of the first monitoring period. •Identified and selected appropriate Article 6.2 activity for application of the II-AMT tools. •Provided consultation and guidance on application of II-AMT tools. •Analysed the applicability and limitations of II-AMT tools. •Compiled piloting results from testing of II-AMT tools and conducted a literature review •Revised the tools based on the results of pilot testing. •Published public presentation on the outcomes from thr pilot testing and their results (revised tools if any).

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