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The Landscape of Article 6 Implementation
Publication Overview

Publication Date: 11-2023
This report provides the most complete and up-to-date overview of the progress made on global Article 6 implementation on a practical level and is the fourth edition of a series of similar studies. The study also reviews the status of Article 6 rules from an implementation perspective, followed by a deep dive on host country frameworks that looks at the level of preparedness of 51 countries to participate in Article 6 cooperation. Finally, the report summaries key facts and figures and offers fact sheets on all relevant Article 6 implementation initiatives.
Key take aways from the report includes:
- The implementation of Article 6 carbon market activities is progressing but has only been slowly moving beyond piloting.
- The unfinished business of crafting international and domestic carbon market rules, as well as operationalising the Article 6.4 mechanism is a key limiting factor.
- Countries are taking different approaches to managing the interface between Article 6 and the VCM, but it is encouraging that many developing countries have begun to work on establishing national frameworks for Article 6 participation requirements.
- Whether carbon market implementation at scale materialises, depends not only on ITMO supply but also on more ambitious demand signals from buyers.
Read the full report The Landscape of Article 6 Implementation.
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