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Capacity building for Article 6 cooperation: The way forward

Publication Date: 04-2022
Perspectives Climate Research has developed a new discussion paper with the objective to outline lessons learned from capacity building efforts in the context of the Kyoto Protocol’s market mechanisms, especially the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to conceptualise capacity building and to discuss the challenges and success factors of capacity building, in particular of capacity building support provided to developing countries, through North-South, South-South, and peer-to-peer approaches.
Based on this discussion, recommendations are derived on how to maximise the effectiveness, scale, and coordination of ongoing capacity building efforts to achieve Article 6 readiness.
The discussion paper includes insights from speakers and participants present at the workshop on the coordination of Article 6 capacity building, conducted in the context of the Carbon Market Mechanisms Working Group (CMM-WG) on 21 March 2022.