Perspectives Climate Group

Our Projects

Project Overview

Perspectives Climate Group

4/2018 – 01/2025

Linking market mechanisms and climate finance in Africa

German Federal Environment Ministry / German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Name of Project

Linking market mechanisms and climate finance in Africa


4/2018 – 01/2025


German Federal Environment Ministry / German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Position held

Team Member

Main project features:

The project pilots replicable climate finance models that contribute to NDC goals. It establishes links between UNFCCC mechanisms and climate finance institutions of the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism (such as the GCF), particularly where canceling emission reduction certificates is used as evidence of results-based climate finance. The partner countries (Ethiopia, Senegal, Uganda) are characterized by ambition, regional lighthouse effects, climate policy relevance and strong networks. In all countries, the project is working with governments and the private sector to formulate climate finance proposals that leverage the potential of existing activities. This mobilizes measures that have great development impact on local communities. The project aims to strengthen the preconditions for ambitious climate policy through the strengthening of national and regional capacities as well as conceptual work. Furthermore, lessons learned will be included in climate negotiations and public debate, and will contribute to the design of PA policy instruments. Cooperation with African climate negotiators aims to strengthen their influence in the UNFCCC process.

Project Overview

Perspectives leads the overall assignment in terms of administration and content work. Perspectives leads and coordinates the deliverables all four work packages: 1. The elaboration of the technical documents of climate finance proposals in all three partner countries while building national capacity in accessing climate finance 2. Technical support to (sub)regional initiatives and fostering of regional peer-to-peer learning with the organisation of subregional and regional workshops 3. Ongoing conceptual work with the elaboration and publication of policy briefs and guidebooks for practitioners and decision makers as well as the development of methodologies for measuring emission reductions 4. Ongoing negotiation support and outreach as well as expert contributions to the public debate on market mechanisms and climate finance. 5. South-South dialogue on Article 6 readiness to foster cooperation on carbon markets and climate finance between Africa and the Caribbean. Furthermore, Perspectives is responsible for the coordination with political partners, as well as coordination and quality control of the subcontractors.

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